Your Community Podcasts

Olympia grew up listening to Dick Pust chatting with candidates for local office and representatives from every community group one could imagine. On his “Your Community” program (on-air Saturdays at 7am) and podcast (Spotify, Apple, or Google on demand), Dick talks with non-profit groups, community leaders, candidates, and businesses. “Your Community” is sponsored in part by Americool Heating and Air Conditioning

If you’re interested in sponsoring “Your Community” or purchasing “Your Community” on-air and digital advertising, contact KXXO general sales manager Brian Butler at 360-943-9937.

Cheryl Heywood, Executive Director of Timberland Regional Library, joins Dick to discuss the 29 libraries of the Timberland system across 5 counties. Click here to hear the podcast.


Griff Masters and Azure Sensabaugh of Triceratops Technology discuss how their nonprofit aids other nonprofits, charities, and individuals with their technology challenges. Click here to hear the podcast.


Andrew Beattie and Clair Bourgeois from the Olympia Host Lions Club join Dick to discuss the Lions Low Vision Resource Center and their Stride for Sight fundraiser coming up on April 12th. Click here to hear the podcast.


Jim Cooper is the longest-serving member of the current Olympia council, but he’s not running for reelection. He joins Dick this week to review his most important/memorable accomplishments. Click here to hear the podcast.


Dick is joined by Thurston County Commissioner Wayne Fournier. Buildings, regulations, ADU’s and UGA’s, the homeless…it’s all discussed. Click here to hear the podcast.


Amber Wetzel, Director of Philanthropy at South Puget Sound Community College Foundation, visits with Dick about South Puget Sound Community College’s growth and emerging needs. Click here to hear the podcast.


Renee Sunde, President and CEO of the Washington Retail Association, is Dick’s guest. She discusses challenges that Washington retailers face: theft, taxes, artificial intelligence and more.. Click here to hear the podcast.


Morgan Jade, Executive Director of the Olympia Free Clinic, is Dick’s guest. Find out how they provide free medical and mental health services to members of our community. Click here to hear the podcast.


Dick chats with Bob Wubbena and Andy Sisolak with Scouting America about the name change from “Boy Scouts” and about big plans for Camp Thunderbird at Summit Lake. Click here to hear the podcast.


Amanda Montgomery, an author and expert on human trafficking, joins Dick to discuss the bias and misunderstanding surrounding human trafficking. Click here to hear the podcast.


Executive Director Shelly Willis and Development Director Roger Jones of Family Education & Support Services discuss how they support families with their specific programs and resources. Click here to hear the podcast.


Dick’s guest is Bill Frare, Supervisor of Engineering and Architectural Services for the Washington Department of Enterprise Services. He discusses the largest ever estuary restoration project in an urban setting which is now underway in Olympia. Click here to hear the podcast.


StoryOly is Olympia’s premiere Story Slam. Host and co-founder Elizabeth Lord joins Dick this week.  Click here to hear the podcast.


Scott Schoengarth and Glen Sandy from the Bus Buddy program joins Dick to discuss how the Bus Buddies help everyone from parents with their hands full to senior citizens and disabled travelers who need additional help riding.  Click here to hear the podcast.


Dick’s guest is Local Commander Dick Kissler from the American Legion Olympia Post 3  Click here to hear the podcast.


Dick chats with Michelle Pope, the Director of Lacey MakerSpace. Have an idea? Make it at the MakerSpace.  Click here to hear the podcast.


Marilyn Jamison, President of the Senior Action Network, joins Dick to discuss how they enhance the lives of Seniors in Thurston, Mason and Lewis Counties.  Click here to hear the podcast.